Aviocado is designed to improve safety at uncontrolled airports

Real time movements

Automatic real-time detection of aircraft movements, such as take-off, landing or touch&go. Possibility to add movements manually.

Real time statistics

Automatic real-time generation of movements statistics. Number of movements based on aircraft, movement type, operator, etc. displayed in charts and tables.

Generation of bills

Automatic generation of bills based on calculated/inserted movements, landing fees and/or parking fees. Calculation of bills based on operators, payment type and other information.

Application responsiveness

The application is fully responsive and hence can be opened in desktop PC, laptops, tablets or smart phones.

Aviocado is an application developed for automation of standard processes at uncontrolled airports. It enables to automatically record aircraft movements and generate reports with all information that is required by the Civil Aviation Authorities.

Each detected movement  contains information about the type of aircraft, aircraft category, aircraft registration and others and is assigned a precise GPS time. Users can manually add additional information to each movement or they can create a new movement manually.

The system provides real-time statistics and calculates several values for billing purposes based on automatically detected or manually added aircraft movements.

Frequently Asked Questions

The system is delivered along with a low-cost 1090 MHz receiver and antenna. This enables to receive and process data transmitted by transponder equipped aircraft. In case an aircraft is not equipped with the transponder and thus it is not automatically detected by the system, a user is given a possibility to enter the movement manually.

Of course. Since the practices of aircraft movements management can differ based on region, type of airport etc., Aviocado is designed as a modular system and hence is highly customizable.

Aviocado is designed as a cloud based system and hence it can run on any device with installed internet browser, independently on the device’s operating system.

The price depends on the number of modules used and level of customization and functions required by each customer. It is possible to operate the software as SaaS (Software as a Service) or self-hosted software. Please contact us to get the price estimation.

Contact Us for More Information

    Aviohub s.r.o.

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